In a Southern State of Mind

Our day started out at around 4:30am – had to get on the road to SC early to beat the traffic! Traffic actually wasn’t that bad until we hit Charlotte. Reese wasn’t the biggest fan of traveling. We put her in her crate in the back seat for the first 2 hours of the trip. To put it lightly – it didn’t go so well..

We then made a few stops in the windy and 39 degree weather in WV and realized that Reese is a lap dog when it comes to traveling.


We got to SC around 3:00 and Reese made her way up to my shoulder by the time we crossed into NC.

Gaffney Peach is a landmark around our part of town! Smile


So far there has been some cooking, cocktails, and puppy playtime!


I hear Spaghetti and Meatballs are on the menu tonight  and we are going to smoke some Salmon in the GREEN EGG for tomorrow! Race recap tomorrow! Can’t wait for the rest of the family to get in town!

Happy Thanksgiving!


A Good Start

Today definitely felt like a Monday. We are headed to SC for Thanksgiving early Wednesday morning and it can’t come soon enough! We haven’t been back to Spartanburg since we got married in August and we are anxious to spend some time with family. This will be Reese’s first BIG car ride and I can’t decide if I’m more excited about Reese meeting my parents or if my mom is more excited about having us all in town for the Holiday!

I came home from work and had a lunch date with this little precious girl.


Unlike my in-law’s Bichon, Bama and my brother’s Basset Hound, Emma who scarf down their food (I seriously don’t think these two even taste their food) Reese takes 2 or 3 pieces of food in her mouth and goes into the living room and eats. It is so cute – she is such a delicate eater!

We are working on potty training and she is down to about one accident a day now – not too bad for being 13 weeks! So far we have learned that our little girl doesn’t like to pee outside when it is raining or cold, loves Dream Bones, and is addicted to licking Ryan’s face and inside his ears! DSCN1382

I will say there is nothing like waking up in the morning and Reese being so excited for the day – let’s be honest though, Ryan is by far the most amazing husband/puppy father because he gets up with her most mornings, love that man!



I had my personal trainer after work today and I had a feeling that he was going to kick my butt – I was right! We did a lot of different full body exercises, here’s a few:

Sumo Squats into Upright Rows (30lb)

Pushed a HUGE tire back and forth for 25 yards

Planks, Side Planks, Medicine Ball Twists

Wall Sits

Torso Twists with my arms straight out holding 10lbs

I finished it up with a 6 min Interval Workout on the Treadmill – 30 seconds 5.0/30 seconds 7.0

The husband and I are running in an 8k on Thanksgiving morning in Greenville and my goal is to finish in under 1 hour – I haven’t been training like I probably should but I think it is a reasonable goal for me! I’m off to spend time with my favorites – Goodnight!

For fun, here is a picture of Emma, my brother’s 2 year old Basset Hound who Reese is going to meet on Wednesday! Little Bit chews on everything… here’s to hoping she doesn’t chew on those ADORABLE basset hound ears Smile

Mom's and Dad's Surprise Party 077

First Post!

Hi!! This is my first blog post!  Smile  

After a fun weekend with friends, Christmas shopping with the husband, and enjoying some 60 degree weather in Ohio the week before Thanksgiving I’m ready to have a lazy Sunday night with the husband and pup!  Off to watch Dexter and Homeland



Goodnight! But not before Reese snacks on Ryan’s apple! I love my little family!