January Recap

I can’t believe it is already February! January flew by! I’ve been MIA for a couple of weeks due to an unexpected trip to SC and an unexpected car situation, not to mention spending a few days in NYC! – I feel like life is finally settling down.. in a good way!

How about a January Recap!

Meatless Meals

Ryan and I have been trying to fix dinners that are Vegan/Vegetarian in nature and we have had some successes and some failures! I CANNOT wait to share some of the amazing restaurants and meals that I had in NYC – pricey but unbelievably delicious.




Project Pin

I started “Project Pin” in January and even though I got side tracked towards the end of the month here are two projects that I absolutely love! I have big plans for February!



What have I been up to lately?!

Well… I took a trip to SC during the last full week in January and saw my adorable flower girls and ate at one of my FAVORITE restaurants! It was good to be home with Ma and Pa.


Laney and I at Mom’s store one afternoon


Wade’s Restaurant Spartanburg 

Why can’t there be Meat and 3’s in Ohio!? Or in my case” the 4 “Veggie” Plate but what I really want is 1 Veggie and 3 southern comfort foods” Green beans, Mac & Cheese, Sweet Potato Casserole,  Hash brown Casserole, Yeast Roll and of course Sweet Tea Please! So good – it’s a good thing I don’t live there anymore!

Big SURPRISE! My sweet husband got me an iPhone for Christmas and it finally came in! I think I am officially one of the last people on earth to get one – but I’m obsessed – I am amazed that you can deposit a check into your bank account without going to a bank, refill a prescription with the touch of a button, and even blog from this phone… (You didn’t think I’d publish a post without a picture of Reese did you?!)


And I’m saving the best for last… After I drove back from SC, my car of 6 years and 200k miles would not switch from reverse to forward and in mechanic talk that means “New transmission”…

So Ryan and I have been spending quality time every morning together carpooling while my car has been in the shop! Totally takes our relationship to the next level now that we are carpooling don’t you think?!


Hope you had a great January!

NYC recaps coming up soon!

In a Southern State of Mind

Our day started out at around 4:30am – had to get on the road to SC early to beat the traffic! Traffic actually wasn’t that bad until we hit Charlotte. Reese wasn’t the biggest fan of traveling. We put her in her crate in the back seat for the first 2 hours of the trip. To put it lightly – it didn’t go so well..

We then made a few stops in the windy and 39 degree weather in WV and realized that Reese is a lap dog when it comes to traveling.


We got to SC around 3:00 and Reese made her way up to my shoulder by the time we crossed into NC.

Gaffney Peach is a landmark around our part of town! Smile


So far there has been some cooking, cocktails, and puppy playtime!


I hear Spaghetti and Meatballs are on the menu tonight  and we are going to smoke some Salmon in the GREEN EGG for tomorrow! Race recap tomorrow! Can’t wait for the rest of the family to get in town!

Happy Thanksgiving!
