Win Win

I’ve always wanted a vanity, a space of my own to get ready at, and I wanted a unique one..

So when I spotted this gem at Goodwill a few weeks ago I couldn’t take my eyes off of it and I certainly wasn’t going to let any old ladies put their paws on it so I picked up the chair and went to the register ASAP and paid cash for it right on the spot – IT WAS MINE!! I had full intentions of redoing it and making it my own – I wish I would have gotten more detailed “BEFORE” shots but it was like a stain job gone bad..!


When my Dad was in town I took his advice on how to start the refinishing process. I understand that there are many ways to refinish furniture and this was the route I decided on!

Since I had an electric sander we bought rough sandpaper, softer sandpaper, and some steel wool. Other purchases included KILZ (acted like a primer), some paint brushes, and a gorgeous Olympic paint by the name of “Flannel Gray”.

Our bedroom has blues, grays, greens, and whites, along with the brown furniture so I thought a darker gray would be the perfect look I had in mind – and you know what if I want to paint it another color later, I can do that…!

So after the sanding, I put the first and only layer of KILZ on the vanity – let it dry and then after 3 coats of Gray Flannel (the middle color on the paint swatch) it was looking mighty good!



The hardest part was picking out a fabric to recover the chair. I went to Joanne’s Fabric with my 25% off coupon in hand (probably about 4 times before I made my final purchase). Lots of lunch break runs!

I found a lot of decent options – from yellow, to paisley, to a linen color, but the blues stuck of the most..


What can I say? I’m a blue girl at heart – always have been, and I’m thinking I always will be!

This was the winner and I LOVE IT! Plus it was marked down from $11/yard to $6/yard plus my 25% off means I purchased it for $4.50 and I was pretty thrilled. What do they say? “4th time is a charm”?


And altogether..


You might notice that the hardware is missing.. I want to find the perfect knobs to replace the hideous ones on there before and I just haven’t found them yet… For now its knobless and it works just fine! I have everything I need right here to get ready for the day, plus Ryan has the entire bathroom to himself. Win Win for The Potters!


Reese loooovveeess the vanity.. can’t you tell!?