Spring is almost here!

Want to know how I know spring is almost here?! Daylight savings starts on Sunday, March Madness starts next week, my birthday is almost here, St Patrick’s day is just around the corner, and in a month – the greatest week ever happens… MASTERS week! The azaleas and greenest, softest grass everywhere – oh how I love the Masters. Plus, its 70 here today! But of course it is supposed to rain all day tomorrow…

I think I will go soak up the sun and warm weather with taking the pup for a walk/run around the neighborhood!


I have decided to sign up for the Capital City Quarter Marathon on Saturday, May 5th and more daylight means I can incorporate some outside runs into my training plan.


I have been following a 10k training App that I downloaded to my iPhone and its been great on the treadmill so far – ready to take it out for real life run! Even though a quarter marathon is 6.55 miles and a 10k is 6.1 I figured I can count on my adrenaline to get me the extra .45 miles J


I’m trying to convince, RP to do the quarter (if not half) and the parents to come up and do the 5k – just 3.1 miles! I need people to celebrate with me during the after race party – it’s the best part!

Speaking of running, I’m in the market for some new running shoes and I really like these Nike Free Run + 2 shoes but they are custom designed – code for more mulah… so I think we are going shoe shopping this weekend! I actually think I need to go to a store where they are able to fit my feet to the perfect running shoes for me. I have some research to do, but I really like the gray and turquoise combo with these! And I’m sure they will make me run really fast…!



Sweet Tea Please Housekeeping

You may have noticed I’ve made some changes to the blog to make it more manageable and its starting to turn into what I have envisioned this blog to look like – finally! I added a new page “The Potters”. Take a look!

On my sidebar to the right I have also added links to my favorite books as well as a list of all the blogs that have inspired me to start Sweet Tea Please. Check them out when you get a chance! This is a work in progress but I’m loving every minute so far and learning soooo much too!

The Girl who Played with Fire

While Ryan’s family was in town for Christmas we went to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on Christmas Eve. I was the only one who hadn’t read the book before seeing the movie so I had a lot of questions going into it. I’m not the biggest fan of really scary movies and of course I thought the book was about something completely different than what it actually was. I thought it was a great movie and in the car on the way home all of my questions were answered – it was kind of fast paced at the beginning but I caught on and I immediately downloaded the next book in the series by Stieg Larsson – “The Girl who Played with Fire” on my ipad.


I haven’t been sucked into a book in a while and after 86 pages I’m definitely intrigued!

Bring a jacket if you go watch the movie – even it is 100 degrees outside you will shiver watching the movie, the winter scenes make you feel like you are in Sweden!

Ryan made his famous stir fry tonight – it was delish! I like a man that can cook! I’m more of a follow a recipe kind of girl and he can throw lots of veggies, rice, and some soy sauce in a wok and it taste really good. Love him!

Have a good night Smile