American History for 800

Snow in C-bus today!


Dinner tonight was epic… an epic fail! I would post what I made for dinner tonight but it is not worthy of you trying – it was gross that’s all I’m going to say… Ryan said in his sweet husband tone “It’s like fish sticks” … Let me add that… there is no fish in our house so that should tell you something.. Huge fail! Sad smile  Ryan did eat everything on his plate – he is a trooper!

Ryan and I have an evening routine of cooking together and watching TV which always includes…. JEOPARDY!


Sometimes we keep score but we always shout out our answers – don’t worry, we aren’t competitive at all Winking smile

Oh yeah – We also play with Reese, like all night long, she is a ball of energy!  I can’t post enough pictures of her – she has stolen my heart! I never seem to have my camera around for every picture but I try to capture a lot of them!


“You should play with me instead of pretending to be on Jeopardy”


And believe it or not she does get tired!


In other news, we booked our flights to NYC today! 2 weeks from today I will be in NYC getting ready to go to see Jersey Boys – I’ve heard nothing but good things!

Looking forward to a fun filled weekend with Ryan! I plan on updating and adding some pages to the blog. I learn something new everyday it seems!

Do you pretend you are on Jeopardy and compete with your roommate/family/spouse on a regular basis like we do?! Please say yes!


I feel like we have been out of routine for weeks now! I guess that is what the holidays to do you, traveling and being with family is awesome but getting back into our normal routine is a good thing for our little family! Ryan and I both started work back today and Reese was back on her regular schedule. When Ryan woke up to take Reese out this morning the weather channel said it was 15 degrees outside but felt like 1… ONE! Even though we love have to take her outside in this weather, we are still working on house training her but have added another dimension to the mix.. Puppy pads!


We have a couple in front of the fireplace – prime location for Reese.. one by the back door, and one by the window. Since we introduced them to her yesterday she has tried to play with them and tear them up, among other things.. Everything but use them for their intended purpose! She has had a couple close calls “NEAR” the pads but not on them.. Like most things with this sweet girl it will be a challenge and we have full faith that she will be a master Puppy Pad user in no time!



I ended up recording the Bachelor last night and watched it before we turned on the Biggest Loser tonight.. there are some STRANGE girls on this season.. besides watching all the drama, Ryan’s commentary about the girls is quite entertaining – I’ll spare you the details but he can get very descriptive!

Speaking of TV shows, all of my favorite shows are on now! Bachelor on Mondays, The Biggest Loser on Tuesdays, Revenge and Modern Family on Wednesdays, and Greys and Private Practice of Thursdays… Better go clean out the DVR!

Have a good night Smile